Painting PVC, HELP!!!!

Painting PVC

I need to paint PVC pipe for our pit display. Anyone know how I should do this? I thinking of sandpapering the pipes to get a rough finish and take off the number and lettering and also primer it and then paint with spray paint.

Anyone else have any ideas or it my idea good?

That sounds good to me. Make sure to wipe it off after you sand it or it will be covered in dust. Also, I believe they make paint specifically for plastic that doesn’t require primer, but I’ve never tried it.

Yea they do have paint for plastic,you can get it at a local home depo or lows, works well. Really if you go that wrought i don’t think sanding it will be necessary. Its worth a try. :cool:

I would try Krylon Fusion .

Be careful when sanding PVC – it tends to scratch very easily. Use a very fine grit sandpaper (on the order of 800 grit).

A better solution would be to completely clean the PVC with soap and water and spray it with a primer designed for plastics (you should be able to find one in the spray paint section of Home Depot or Lowes). I’ve even seen spray primers sprcifically designed for PVC.

After your primer is on, you want to spray in two coats – a so-called dry coat, which spreads some color over all the PVC but still allows the primer to show through, and a wet coat, which covers everything until the surface looks wet and shiney.

I have a few ideas:
Try using the primer paint for glueing PVC and Applying a coat of that, then spray paint over that. My idea is that since the primer creates a surface for the glue to bond to, why can’t it create a surface for the paint to bond to?(maybe i’m wrong) If you have some sitting around you my want to try it.

Another alternative, since 800 grit sandpaper isn’t the easiest thing to come by, you may want to try a Very Fine Emory Cloth/Paper or Steel Wool.

Does anyone know how I can remove the lettering and numbers off the PVC pipe? Just asking!

As was said, emery paper or any fine abrasive should take it off. In my experience.

Clear PVC primer. It’s just solvent. A little on a rag will clean it up. Very flammable. Should use in a well ventilated area or outside with a respirator