Palm OS Scorekeeper

Does anyone know of a working app for Palm OS that is downloadable or otherwise attainable? If so, please post any applicable links or info! …Just think ‘Gracious Professionalism’ ;-D


                           Tom Fennell, Student, Team 112

If you do a search on this site, you should find a 2002 scoring program for the pilot.

There are two:

Both are good, but of course I’m partial to the first one :slight_smile: I know there’s a bug in my version but I didn’t upload the fix because no one seemed interested


Zan Hecht of Oakwood Robotics Team 992 has developed a very intuative palm os scoring system, contact him at [email protected] or ahecht on chief delphi and he will email it to you. Also, I know i will be flamed for my choice of handheld os, but does anyone know of a pocketpc (win ce) program?
-Jared Ross
VP and Driver
Team 992

All I did was modify a spreadsheet on my palm, and unfortunatly I have to way to get that file off my palm. However, the scorekeeping programs here are much better, and I think I will probably switch to one of those for the Regional.

Anybody have one for the Pocket PC (Win CE 3.0)

I’d suggest setting up a Pocket Excel spreadsheet to do the calcs, if you have Pocket Excel on your device.

*Originally posted by ahecht *
**I’d suggest setting up a Pocket Excel spreadsheet to do the calcs, if you have Pocket Excel on your device. **

I will try that, I have Pocket Excel