Palmetto Regional

i didnt see any threads for the Palmetto Regional , so i made 1 just cause. we are team 425, team spartans from melbourne fl and we can’t wait to be there. i wish everyone good luck and have a total blast.

Team 538 is pumped for our 1st trip to Palmetto

Team 108 will be there as always! cant wait to see you all!

and we cant wait to compete with toeam 108 at ucf as well.:yikes: :smiley:

Team 11 will sorely miss our friends down south this year. We sacrificed Palmetto in favor of New York this year, for money reasons I believe.

Team 1293, D5 Robotics, will be attending for their 4th year. We’ll hope see everyone there!

Team 1249 The RoboRats and 337 Starbot from almost heaven, West Virginia will be making the trip south again. Would not miss it.

I’ll have to check with the other coaches, but I think Team 95 is planning on going to Palmetto again this year. We also go to Manchester. We’ve gone twice, and two alliance Silvers. Palmetto has good vibes.

As always? I remember 2004 and 2005–and the only SOAP those years was in the bathrooms. :wink:

1618 will be in full effect at Palmetto this year. This is gonna be a good year.

Actually, Team 108 will not be there. Sorry for any confusion, but according to FIRST we are attending 6 regionals, because at one time or another since registration opened, we were attending each of those. However, we are offically attending UCF, Las Vegas, and the Championship. Good Luck to everyone at Palmetto, it was a great regional last year, I enjoyed it a ton.

Team 34 will see you all there. Good luck!

Team 1251 [TechTigers] will be there, ready for action! Can’t wait to see what this year brings!


Can’t Wait. Team 1319 will most likely Be there.

Team 507 won’t be there. ((I should know. They arent doing FRC anymore. They’ve moved to doing FVL. I changed schools and am now on 1319 :P))

Good luck,l and can’t wait to see y’all there! :smiley:

Metal In Motion - Team 343 will be there. We look forward to seeing a lot of old friends and making new ones. It will be exciting to have the new teams with the Palmetto group this year. To those of you who are not going to be able to make it this year, we will “pencil you in” to attend two times next year. You will be sorely missed.
Good luck to all teams this year. May you have an outstanding season.

This is the first year 1390 will be in Palmetto. As soon as I get out of class on thursday at 11:15 I am making my way north. The drive is about 6 hours (depending on how I drive…ahem.) I’ve always heard from other Florida teams that its a fun competition, and I look forward to attending.

342 is certainly going to be there! It’s our home regional and 30min away.

see you there gil…hopefully we get to compete with you guys…this will be my second trip, but first with 1369…I can’t wait :smiley:

Team 1225 RIOT Robotics will be there. We look foward to meeting/making new friends. Its my second year at Palmetto and I believe our team’s 3rd. Cya there!

well y’all, team 1539 can’t wait to be there either. anyone goin to peachtree also?

Sadly S.P.A.M will not be able to go this year. UTC has cut our funding in half for 2007, and has cut it completely in future years. We had to make the tough choice of attending 1 regional and Nat’s in 2007, so we’d have the $$ for at least one regional next year. The loss of UTC represents 1/2 our yearly budget which supports FRC, FVC and Lego League teams. We are down but not out!

We will miss this competition dearly. It is one of my favorites…all night bus ride not-with-standing :stuck_out_tongue: Have a great time and a great regional!
