Pancake Man!!!

One day I was looking through my image collections and I saw a jpg of a horse. Immediatly I thought. Of course Ill make a comic strip! First I set out to find a hero. 1 minute later I had the body + sword + shield. I just needed a head. I was hungry…shrug

Here it is! (updated daily)

(yes the narrator likes the word ‘strike’)


wow. all i have to say is wow. Didn’t you learn from the previous thread that you made with your photoshop posters? YOU NEED A LIFE. A job, a hobbie, something… maybe you could invent something for the upcoming FIRST season? O well… nice job anyway i think. HAhahaha. Pancake man? wow.:ahh: :yikes:

You know, I wonder about you sometimes.

BTW, the site never ends… it goes from the 8th page to the 6th page, resulting in a continuous circle.


Get a job, please :stuck_out_tongue:

Although that is rather funny :smiley:

That’s great Coco. Where’s the ending? Maybe you can join a friend of mine, doctoring images for a magazine and getting paid for it…

That stuff is really funny. Good work on 'em

*Originally posted by melissa *
**wow. all i have to say is wow. Didn’t you learn from the previous thread that you made with your photoshop posters? YOU NEED A LIFE. A job, a hobbie, something… maybe you could invent something for the upcoming FIRST season? O well… nice job anyway i think. HAhahaha. Pancake man? wow.:ahh: :yikes: **

Well I don’t see anything wrong with making computer graphics as a hobby. I am a professional web designer working on a project for the national federation of the blind. Now I am not as good at the web graphics side of things. So I think that anyone who can make awesome web graphics like that has a great hobby. To show how bad I am at web graphics…look at my avator on the left, that flashes my name, the “neon sign”. That is the best I can do.

*Originally posted by robot180 *
**Well I don’t see anything wrong with making computer graphics as a hobby. I am a professional web designer working on a project for the national federation of the blind. Now I am not as good at the web graphics side of things. So I think that anyone who can make awesome web graphics like that has a great hobby. To show how bad I am at web graphics…look at my avator on the left, that flashes my name, the “neon sign”. That is the best I can do. **

I can do even worse. Check out (graphics suck even worse).

That was some pretty funny stuff :slight_smile: Add onto that story if you get a chance.

Well I don’t see anything wrong with making computer graphics as a hobby. I am a professional web designer working on a project for the national federation of the blind. Now I am not as good at the web graphics side of things. So I think that anyone who can make awesome web graphics like that has a great hobby. To show how bad I am at web graphics…look at my avator on the left, that flashes my name, the “neon sign”. That is the best I can do.

… now that I read over my post it did sound kind of offensive. He knows that I’m just joking around with him and that I really like it.:stuck_out_tongue: Keep that story goin coco!

*Originally posted by melissa *
**… now that I read over my post it did sound kind of offensive. He knows that I’m just joking around with him and that I really like it.:stuck_out_tongue: Keep that story goin coco! **

Heck yea. Evil kitties attacking lil’ men w/ swords is sweet! w00t!

Nice comic man, I was just messing with ya earlier ;-). I was bored, and in a bad mood, I felt like crap…anyway was that loop an accident or a way to occupy the really bored poeple? Heh…seeya

Oh yeah, I wonder about you too…

I need to revive this thread so I will write something… I don’t know what to say, so I’ll write what kind of car I drive…

black 1999 Honda Civic Si with AEM cold air intake and GReddy exhaust and lowering springs…
no turbo…yet…

Pancake man now has a 9th episode! Check it out! I’m doing my best to put out a new episode each day! Keep coming back to find new stuff!

snicker doodles are good cookies!

Hahhahahah the kitty got BEHEADED!!!

and i thought only i would find stuff like that amusing,
you rock coco
and please, more more,
i’m so very fond of pancakes, i want to know what happens to the pancake man, does he get digested??

The suspense is killing me. Pancake man is the new reason for me to turn on my computer each day! Keep 'em coming Coco.

I’m always uploading these things around 2AM Coco time (EST), hmmm well number 10 is up, lets see what happens next!

Here it is!!!

Number 11 is up and running, sorry its taken me so long, I’ve been busy with stuff.

I’ve grown ideas and am working on them now.

I can’t wait to see what happens next…keep them coming!!:stuck_out_tongue: