paper: 2009 Regionals Teams are Attending

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2009 Regionals Teams are Attending
by: Ed Law

An Excel spreadsheet that shows which regionals each of the 1690 FRC teams are going this year.

This spreadsheet is actually what I will be using for the 2009 Scouting Database. I have populated it with the 2009 team data. To see how this database can be used, please refer to the 2008 Scouting Database.

For now, we can just use it to see which regionals each team is going to. There are filters setup for use. If you are interested to find out who are the teams that goes to a particular regional, then left click on the arrow under each regional name and select (NonBlanks).

There is also a sheet called “2009 Teams”. It provides links to teams’ websites and other info.

Team_2834 (1.09 MB)
Team_2834 2009_Scouting_Database (1.09 MB)

Does anybody know where I can conveniently get all the 2009 team nicknames? Right now, I only have nicknames for teams who competed in 2008.


Good place to keep information, do you have any plan on how to keep it up as new teams are added and sign up for events?

I thought registration is closed. Can new teams still join when kickoff is only a little over a week away?

It takes a good hour to populate this spreadsheet. I don’t plan on updating it anymore until regional results come out each week. I plan to update it each week. I will post it on CD if there is sufficient interest so everybody will have the latest info going into their next regional event. At that time, if a regional has new teams or teams dropped out, it will be reflected automatically.

Thank you for your interest.


Most registration is closed, now First can and will make some exceptions, I expect the number of teams is steadfast but the regionals are more than 8 weeks away.

After reading through a bit more I have a few questions,

Why are the rankings out of 1692 while First only has registered 1690 teams?

Can we see the rankings relative to the regional we are at or are they only relative to the whole 1690 teams?

Why is it mostly focused on offensive ratings? Maybe we will start out with 100 points and subtract points and whoever ends up with the least points win. Maybe we will be golfing. Can you easily change the code to account for that?

How would I name a picture file of a team’s robot?

Ha Ha, you caught a mistake. I didn’t know how to count. It is 1690.

Yes you can see the rankings within the regional. To do that, you have to go to the sheet (tab) for that regional. Please look at the 2008 database. Column L gives you the ranking for that regional only.

Please read my other white paper where I proposed this term called CCWM which takes into account both offense and defense.

The picture name needs to be 2834.jpg and 79.jpg etc. I will add this to the instruction sheet next time. Thanks.

Thanks, I have not looked much into scouting apps or spreadsheets, I am more of a hand written scouter.

It doesn’t look like the image function is working (Missing in cell “I5”) … I have the images in the same directory and they will not load.

But other then that, it looks good can’t wait to use this next year.


Hi Oris,
Thanks for pointing that out. I started from an older version that I put in 2009 data before. I made the changes in the macro that you helped me with before but I left out the =getpicture(B2) in cell I5. I didn’t really test the Query sheets yet since there is no data to query. I fixed everything now and it should be working. I referred visitors to the 2008 Scouting database to see what it will look like after we have match results.

Best regards,


Would a CSV dump of team number and team nickname be useful? PM me if it would.

That will be very helpful if you can send that to me.

Thanks for doing this. This is an A+++++ thread! :wink:

Wow, this last 7 weeks just flew by so quickly. Anyway, I will be updating the 2009 Scouting database after each week as results are posted. We will be going to Traverse City for our first ever competition as a rookie team. I am so excited. I think it is going to be fun. Good luck to all teams going to a Week 1 competition. May the traction force be with you!


P.S. To all teams that will be mentoring rookie teams next year, please tell the rookie teams not to sign up for a Week 1 competition unless they don’t need to sleep.