paper: Championship Qualification By Team By Year

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Championship Qualification By Team By Year
by: Basel A

Answers two questions: How each team that attended the Championship got there? How much of the Championship has been teams that qualified by each method?

The first is a single Excel File with a sheet for each year from 2004 to 2015 that shows how each time qualified for the Championship. The second is a summary of each qualification method over time as a % of the overall Championship (graph included).

If a team qualified in more than one way (e.g. Hall of Fame team wins a Regional), the team is listed twice. Teams attending the CMP that did not qualify in any way were assumed to have Registered, so if I missed any qualification method, that’s where they’d be included. All the 2012 Einstein Teams were included in 2013’s “Last Year’s Winners.” Championship Qualification in 2004 included a point system based on 2003 performance; I ignored it and assumed any point-based qualifiers simply Registered.

Here’s the qualification methods I used:
By Rank from District CMP
Engineering Inspiration Award
Hall of Fame
Last Year’s Winners
Orig & Sus
Regional Chairman’s Award
Regional Winner
Rookie All-Star

Thanks to Team 358 for use of their All Awards database.
Thanks to dez250 for detailing the then-new qualification methods in a post from 2003.

QualMethodByYear.xlsx (5.51 MB)
TeamsAtCMPByQualMethod.xlsx (14.6 KB)
QualMethodByYear2015.xlsx (5.55 MB)
TeamsAtCMPByQualMethod2015.xlsx (15 KB)