paper: Dawgma 2016 Scouting System (mk.1)

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Dawgma 2016 Scouting System (mk.1)
by: GKrotkov

This is Dawgma’s 2016 scouting system, as thought out before going to a competition or seeing a week one. We fully expect to iterate on this design.

This is Dawgma’s first match-ready iteration on our 2016 scouting system. It contains Pit Scouting, 3 Match Scouting Slips, a quick guide to the match scouting, and an excel spreadsheet intended to take in match data and produce relevant calculations.

Note that the excel sheet is intended for a single team, meaning that you would need to make a set of these sheets for each team at your district/regional in order to use this properly.

A pit scouting sheet is included. We understand that some people dislike pit scouting, but we expect that the pit scouting will be an effective tool for this year’s game, if understood and interpreted correctly. If you use pit scouting, we encourage you to approach it with etiquette and write down everything you can about the robot before talking to people, so as not to bother them by asking how many wheels they have in their drive train.

Finally, most of these files are password-protected as a good practice. If you want a non-protected version for whatever reason, feel free to PM me. Similarly, I can give you all the iterations on each individual slip/sheet, if you would like to see our process.

ScoutingSlipmk.5.pdf (235 KB)
ScoutingSlipExplanation.docx (191 KB)
PitScoutingmk.4ReadOnly.docx (73.7 KB)
ScoutingSlipmk.6.pdf (36 KB)
Calculations Template (Read Only).xlsx (48.4 KB)
ScoutingSlipmk.7.pdf (235 KB)