paper: FMS Scouting 57th Generation Finger Lakes Regional Data

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FMS Scouting 57th Generation Finger Lakes Regional Data
by: karomata

Here is the data from the 2014 Finger Lakes Regional.

This data scored 100% accuracy, predicting every elimination match outcome at the event. I will later be posting a blank calculator for the use of teams at Championships. FRC 1511 will be FMS Scouting only the Newton Division, so if your team is in Newton and you would like this data, come to FRC 1511’s pit and ask for me (Mo). If you have any questions, feel free to post below or PM me. Feedback is welcome!

FMS Scouting (20.2 MB)

I apologize for how long it has taken me to post this, I have been having issues uploading the file over the past 24 hours. I will be posting the blank calculator later today.