paper: .NET Rack And Roll Scoring Program

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.NET Rack And Roll Scoring Program]( by Abwehr

This is really cool! I was just trying it out for a bit (finally installed .NET to use it) and the interface is really nice! Kudos! I’ll definitely be passing this one on to our strategy team!

Glad you found it useful.

Awesome program. I’m going to play around with this so much the next 2 months. :smiley:

Thank You!
This is a good start for newbies and rookies who want to do more.

Some comments

  • The keepers aren’t highlighted in terms of score contribution
  • None of the controls resize when the window does
  • when you right-click, can it toggle in the opposite direction?

Other than that, nicely done.

  1. That is by design. Keepers can’t be spoiled, so they aren’t highlighted. The highlighting is meant to show desirable spoiler locations.

  2. I realized that as soon as I published this. I never wrote resizing code. I should have just killed the maximize box :wink:

  3. Didn’t think of that. Could add it…