paper: New Default Code (cleaner) 2003 compatible

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New Default Code (cleaner) 2003 compatible
by: rwaliany

_ The “new default code” is what our team 691 (HartBurn) will be using for our basic program. This program is the default code, cleaned up and partly rewritten, made to be easier to read with “pretty” comments. Everything in the program is divided into separate subroutines, making…_

The “new default code” is what our team 691 (HartBurn) will be using for our basic program. This program is the default code, cleaned up and partly rewritten, made to be easier to read with “pretty” comments. Everything in the program is divided into separate subroutines, making it easier to understand and easier to debug. The program should be a little more memory efficient than First’s by quite a few bytes. The default code is modified a little to balance an eduRobot on a small bridge’s focal point via sensor3(analog 3). If you have any questions, suggestions, or bugs feel free to contact one of us at HartBurn or me at ([email protected]).

Updated 1/6/02: Added the autonomous process, its compatible with the new RC. It uses one joystick to control two motors with tank drive. It now displays the speed on the OI in user mode. To add stuff to the autonomous period, just edit the sub_automation.

1041892589ryan_default.txt (22.4 KB)