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OPR On Steroids
by: Jon Stratis
One of the students on my team created an app to calculate OPR over a lot more than just the final score. Using the FRC Event Api ( we can get just about any piece of information the field records - high goals, low goals, challenges, scales, captures, defense crossings and breachings, auto stats. So, we calculated the OPR for every individual item from Palmetto in week 0.5.
Column descriptions:
A - The alliance selection results, manually entered. green for captain, blue for first pick, pink for second pick.
B - Team Number
C - Auto points OPR
D - Final points OPR
E - Foul points OPR
F-K - Auto points broken down into each of their earning categories
L-T - defense crossings broken down per defense. Note, position1crossings is the low bar. crossings are recorded 0, 1 or 2 based on how many times crossed (once breached, additional crossings are not recorded)
U-AC - Teleop points broken down per category.
AD-AE - Foul points
AF-AK - other categories
This is really some interesting data. For example, you can see how alliances were chosen to compliment each other on the defenses!
The API is supposed to be updated in near-realtime, making an internet connection the only limiting factor in using something like this for scouting data in picking the defenses for each match or in alliance selections themselves. What does everyone think… practical?
Scouting_SCMB.xlsx (89 KB)