paper: Prototyping Autonomous Operation of FRC/FTC Robots –April 17, 2008

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Prototyping Autonomous Operation of FRC/FTC Robots –April 17, 2008
by: marccenter

Because of common software (Easy-C Pro), similar microprocessor architecture between the VEX controller (Microchip PIC18F8520) and FRC controller (Microchip PIC18F8722), a typical robotics team can compete against more established robotics team by successfully prototyping the 15 second hybrid (autonomous) period operation with a VEX robot.

Chief Delphi , FIRST Team 47, successfully implemented a modified version of the FIRST IR Board on the FRC robot. At the 2008 GLR 8 points (removing the alliance ball on the overpass) were scored 3 times during hybrid period. At Atlanta, we had two opportunites to score the 8 points during the quarter-finals. Once we scored, two we missed because our alliance partner crossed into our lane (oops!)

FRC2008_MBC_10.ppt (8.4 MB)