paper: RoboIDE 0.1 (Linux PBASIC IDE)

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RoboIDE 0.1 (Linux PBASIC IDE)
by: rbayer

_Well, I finally got the chance to finish this and it’s only two weeks later than I originally promised! In any event, RoboIDE is a Gnome/GTK+ (Linux) PBASIC IDE that uses the Tokenizer from Parallax, inc. It currently supports (I think) all eight slots and every command you can imagine.

As alwa…_

Well, I finally got the chance to finish this and it’s only two weeks later than I originally promised! In any event, RoboIDE is a Gnome/GTK+ (Linux) PBASIC IDE that uses the Tokenizer from Parallax, inc. It currently supports (I think) all eight slots and every command you can imagine.

As always, let me know (pm/email/programming forum) of any bugs or new features you’d like to see added in the next release.

Installation instructions:
Download and unzip/untar file (tar -xvzf)
Run ./configure
make install (you may need to be root for this)

1038589247roboide_0_1.tar.gz (239 KB)