It seems that Dean approached the Macy’s parade folks about getting FIRST in there.
Robots with scissors anyone?
It seems that Dean approached the Macy’s parade folks about getting FIRST in there.
Robots with scissors anyone?
Can be made with Lego Technics, a good sharp pair of scissors and lots of rack/pinion.
Actually did this for something else 20 years ago.
Except as I recall it cut the ribbon for a school opening.
It is odd when history wraps around.
Come on man, running with scissors is a terrible idea.
Drive team yells: “Robot, robot!”
Aside from coach: “Hey, if they don’t get out of our way, slit their pants.”
In [strike]2008[/strike] 2009, a special playing field surface, and special wheels required on the robots, combined to eliminate the incentive for high tractive force in drivetrains.
Perhaps a game in which robots are (or are permitted to be) equipped with scissors to aid an important scoring function, and a concomitant prohibition on running while so equipped, might combine to eliminate the incentive for high speed in drivetrains?
Ambling with scissors … ?
I think you mean 2009…
But in all seriousness, does anyone know how the Macy’s Parade happened? As in, who approached who with the idea?
FIRST was actually approached by the parade’s lead this year. She is a huge fan of the FIRST programs and wanted to see robots in the parade.
I meant running as in operating the robots.
Robots with scissors. Hmmm…
Maybe they’re hinting that one advantageous way of designing robots this year might involve the use of scissor lifts. Not exactly your typical scissors, but chances are (okay I haven’t been around a while, so I haven’t seen many bots and designs) slim that a robot would use actual ‘scissors’… But then again, who knows what we’ll be doing. That’s right, the GDC! :rolleyes:
Guys, it’s not an
It’s the mission of FIRST.
“To transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders.”
It’s way bigger than an FRC game, it’s about making FRC a household name one day.
Can we just agree that 2013 is one giant game hint, and stop talking about it? Seriously, it begins earlier and earlier every year. Leave the speculation to when the official hints come out.
Robots in the parade were awesome! Hopefully this becomes a yearly tradition
Possibly because JCPenney was so involved, but now with financial issues of their own, they had to drop sponsorships.
Macy’s is in direct competition with JCP.
Hey Libby, if I gave you a gift horse what would you do? Cuz the reaction on CD seems to be looking it in the mouth, and that just doesn’t seem right.
I don’t quite understand the reaction to turn all of these awesome things that FIRST does around this time of year and dissect them to death. FIRST has been making it readily apparent in recent years what is and is not a game clue. While the game clues are fun this practice is detracting for things that are very awesome and transformative in their own right. Sometimes it is ok to just bask in the amazing things that FIRST has seen fit to include us in and not look any deeper than that, as it cheats you out of things that are more profound.
Sorry seems like a bit of a rant, but this practice is becoming more prevalent every year and it feels like people are missing the entire point. As Libby stated, this is entirely about the mission of FIRST and doesn’t need to be anything more than that because it is very cool in and of itself.
Sorry folks, just trying to have a little fun.
Great to see FIRST getting it out there.
Andrew, I don’t see anyone being critical or ungrateful towards Macy’s. I think it’d be neat to know who approached whom and when about FRC teams leading the parade. FIRSTers are curious folk, and the nuts and bolts of such things are interesting to us.
Perhaps you meant to use another phrase or are referring to another discussion, I don’t know.
Also, I think the game hint craze is all in jest. We need to relax a little! Kickoff is in 5 weeks. Enjoy the off-season while you can! =-]
I have it from a credible source that the temperature at the finish line of the parade the instant the robots crossed Thursday morning was exactly 32 degrees.
We all know 32 degrees is the temperature at which water freezes.
Water game.