Parallax: What version?

Question: What version of the PBASIC Stamp editor did you use last year? and what other info do I need to know about last year’s EDU/Controller? (seeing as is down, I can’t look at the legacy docs)


Any version of the editor works. The other things you need to know depend on what you are doing with the Stamp. Default code should be enough for most applications.

Ok, what stamp was used in last year’s EDU and controller? The new editor (v2.5) isn’t compatible with BASIC Stamp 1. I wasn’t around, so I don’t know.

BS2sx is what you are looking for?

Yes, big thank you!

Anyone know how you can program pic’s using pbasic. I have read books that says you can I just haven’t found anything yet.

It’s not actually “PBASIC”, as that’s property of Parallax, Inc. There’re third-party compilers for PicBasic (in various combinations of capitalization). Some are free, some are not. Google “picbasic”, and you’ll find some.

Of course, I nearly misspelled “Parallax”. I accidently stuck in 2 Rs! :yikes: Try going to

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