Can we parallel a window motor with a globe motor on one speed controller? The rules say you can’t use more than one globe motor on one speed controller, and say that you can use two window motors on one speed controller. So, can you use one globe motor and one window motor on one speed controller?
I wouldn’t trust a response here from some random poster…id take it to the official question forum and if they say yes and you do it, you can take a copy of their response to inspection if the inspector tries to challenge that.
Yea…I agree. But there are several people on here who I would trust and I can get a general response to see if it’s worth bothering FIRST with the question.
It’s something I will have to quickly add on Thursday anyway, so if worst comes to worst, I could just ask at the competition.
We driving two motors each side for our drive line. A cim and a drill. each with it’s own controler. So in code it’s
pwm01 = pwm03 = p1_y ;
We are also using two motors, A window and a Fisher price this way for the Winch mech on our arm.
That’s why I asked if you had the space and weight left , some place to put another victor and the bot is light enough that it would not put you over the 130. We are bumping the 130 with everything we do.
I took a look at the motor specs, and I’m puzzled why we can run two window motors off of a speed controller, but not two globe motors.
The window motor’s free current is about 2 amps, and stall current is about 25 amps.
The globe motor’s free current is about 1 amp, and stall current is about 19 amps.
I had assumed that the rule was because the globe motor was a more powerful motor and 2 could exceed the rating of the speed controller when they stalled. However, the stall current would still be less then the 40 amps rating of the speed controller and certainly less then 2 window motors.
However, since that isn’t the case, I don’t understand the intent of the ruling, and can’t give you good advice about a window and globe motor combined. So, this is definetly something to ask FIRST.
Thanks again Al… I was afraid of that. Not trying to get away with anything, but just trying to save some hecticness (is that a word?) on Thursday by just adding a window motor would be MUCH easier than adding another speed controller, connector, wire, etc…
If you need any help (or any team for that matter) Please look us up in the pits. I am guessing that I will be inspecting on Thursday but usually have time for questions and suggestions.
See you there.