Parents + FIRST

what do your parents think about FIRST and the competitions?

Are they for it/ Against it and why?

My Dad’s for it, 100%! my mother, not so sure, but my dad’s definitely into it, which is a great thing:D

the cool thing is both my parents are 100% for it

But niether like it when it takes precidence(sp) over my grades

My parents love it and think it’s one of the best things to happen to me. Good thing they think about it after failing a term of english in high school because of it…oops.

My parents love the program, but hated hwo they never saw me because of it! They found a solution to the problem though, they are now two of our hardworking mentors! Yay for parents who help the program improve!

my parents are all for it, although they don’t know my grades dropped (just a bit, i swear!) from it. :smiley:

has anybody’s grades not dropped?

My Mom helps run the team and my Dad programs the controls…plus all their kids are on a team, so i guess you could say they are supportive of it

My mother is one of the parents involved in the club, so she is for,
my grades didn’t drop during the building session but it was after they did.

My parents think its great…I think my dad esp likes it, seeing as he drove a bunch of us down for the GLR, and picked up the hotel tab…lol

My Dad is really into it, he’s kicking himself in the butt for not getting involved in it this year (He works at the same visteon building we’re sponsered by). I think he’ll get involved with it next year even though i won’t be there.

My parents really love it. I’m not so sure where my dad stands on it, but Mom think’s it’s great.

My grades are not as good as they were last year, and I’ve spent very minimal time with my family, and completing my household obligations…that get’s my mom upset, so that’s usually the first thing she brings up when we argue during the build season :smiley:

Otherwise, she loves it, and is quite involved in the team. Her and another one of the moms handmade shirts for us for nationals. she also designed our t-shirts and buttons for this year :slight_smile:

my parents just throw the money at it, just like all the other parents on the team (with the exception of one mom, cause well shes just an amazing cook and keeps us fed, needless to say we love her)


Every team definately needs a cook.

*Originally posted by purplehaze357 *
**has anybody’s grades not dropped? **

Mine hasn’t. Infact, they have gone up. :smiley: My mother is one of the cooks on our team, and my parents love me being in it, but not seeing them has bring them to complain, but i’m not :p!!

My parents are totally in to this. My mom cooked for for the my team many times. When she could not go to NYC to watch that reginional I went to, she went onto the web and watched it there all day.
My grades did not drop because of being part of FIRST. Even if they had, I still learned more about technology that will actually help me in life then I could learn in school.