Part Blueprint Renderer (Inventor->Blender)

This is a script and blender file for rendering the parts of a robot in a blueprint style. We used it to render all of the parts on our robot and played them in a slideshow at our open house this year. It is pretty basic right now, but I plan on improving the appearance adding a few features for next year such as a title block with the filename and stats. Here are a couple examples of different parts.

Instructions on how to use it are in this pdf (900.0 KB) . If I missed anything, please let me know. Here is the .blend file (701.2 KB) as well. If anyone has problems or questions, feel free to ask. If the script is bad, it’s because python is not my primary language :smile:. Happy Rendering!

Edit: Several people from Team 93 helped me write the script, including Sean Sanders.


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