Particle Prescouter

Introducing the result of 24 hours of Hackathon-induced roboting:

[Particle Prescouter](I’m just gonna drop this here:

The homepage is a list of all events, and clicking any specific event gives you a list of all teams at the event, and their best and worst four matches of the season (minus fouls for that match, so be aware.) Each match gives you the TBA page for the team, and their number links to their normal TBA page.

The site is static, though I may at some point write an implementation that doesn’t make 20k web requests to generate the entire static file set (sorry TBA).
PLEASE OBSERVE the time generated at the bottom of each page to avoid using out-of-date information. In the mean time, you can get it yourself by going to my GitHub and cloning the repo.
NOTE: It runs decently slowly (30s - 3 minutes) when running from scratch. You can do so by changing the “events” in the URL to “event”, as you see, S stands for “static” and definitely isn’t a messy hack for the hackathon demo.


  • Flask
  • Python 2.X
  • sqlite
  • time / datettime
  • A reasonable filesystem.
  • A whole lot of bandwidth.

Word of advice, you can prescout the teams currently qualified for Champs by going to CMPMO and CMPTX. :wink:

Final Note: This is a hackier implementation of the Python3 script I made a few weeks back, get it here.

I just watch each teams matches and take notes, I did pre-scouting for Lone Star North 2 weeks ago