Pathfinder + Motion Profile Details

Ah, that makes sense.

I recently emailed CTRE to inquire about custom feedforward curves (as our recent testing indicates that having an intercept is quite important to accurately accounting for friction), and Omar informed me that a “throttle bump” function that supports arbitrary feedforward will be available in the next big firmware update. In light of this, it may not be necessary to move to motion profile mode (and in fact I’ve been considering moving us away from it, once this functionality becomes available).

Cool! Keep the feature requests coming, I know Omar loves having more to do! :slight_smile:

You guys sure do keep me busy. :slight_smile:

Omar, can you give a little information about the following comment?

Posted by 2481 last year
“When I talked to Omar in St. Louis he said that next season the Talon SRX will be able to use their Pigeon IMU directly and perform a heading correction on motion profiles.”

If you look at the new Phoenix API code posted on the CTRE website (e.g. download the Hero SDK and peek at the Javadocs), you can start to get a sense for how this will likely work.

I can’t find this - is it under a specific class?

Here are the resources I’ve found so far in trying get a sense of how everything works:

(Phoenix is here)…Any specific advice on how to “manipulate the feedforward” . (In general/specific methods) on the talons. Following Jared’s advice just without the extra V term on the RIO. Any advice would would :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Sorry for thread necro, but, what sort of ‘look ahead’ distance do you use in the pure pursuit controller (if any) to calculate heading error?

I know for boats it’s usually ~2 boat lengths, but I’m thinking that’s likely too much if the trajectory is very windy (e.g. 254 in 2017).

See the release has an awesome set of features. 900 will certainly be leveraging the custom feed forward, thanks Omar!

Our team is just getting started with Paths… could you point to a good starting resource? We’re not sure where to begin?
Many thanks,