This year our team got Jaci’s Pathfinder working for autonomous. We were able to deliver one cube consistently. What I am wanting to learn is how to incorporate vision into Pathfinder. Here are a few questions that would help me out greatly.
How can I send vision data into Pathfinder? For example, if I was able to detect the location of a cube with vision, could I be able to get Pathfinder to that location? If so, how?
If I got into the general area of the cube and wrote a program to slowly move forward and pick the cube up, how could I send my new robot location back into Pathfinder in order to return to the scale or switch?
The current release of Pathfinder does not support reversed paths. I have heard talk of it being in the next release and I have heard talk of it being omitted from it. If it isn’t included, what is the best way of going about coding it myself? What values do I need to flip? How should I denote it in the way point construction?
Thanks so much to everyone for their time and I am excited to hear your ideas.