Would need the exception/stack trace from the console to know what’s happening.
I can’t print the exception/stack trace from the console, the following link is our repository and we are trying to do the robot Config in the drivebase.java class around line 120-130.
I’m getting the same issue, it’s throwing both an IOException and a parsing error.
Having some trouble running paths in simulation in red alliance. Simulated drive train seems to follow path nicely when in blue alliance, but not when it is in red alliance. This is with CTRE swerve.
Hi! I think I’m having the same issue as @isaacngkh
I’m trying to run this auto:
Running it on blue side:
Running it on red side:
(The solid robot is where the robot is, the cyan-colored ghost is the PathPlanner target pose, and the magenta-colored swerve states are the setpoints.)
It probably has something to do with this
Which I think has been fixed, so probably have to wait until the next release?
That makes total sense, nice catch! I guess they’ll release it when they wake up this morning.
PathPlanner and PathPlannerLib v2025.2.1 have now been released.
Major Changes
- Linked waypoints at the start/end of paths will now link the start/end rotations. For instance, changing the end rotation of path A will update the start rotation of path B if the end waypoint of path B and the start waypoint of path A are linked
- Added support for passing in arbitrary PathConstraints to SwerveSetpointGenerator. This allows limiting the max velocity/acceleration of the robot below its maximum capabilities, such as limiting max acceleration based on the height of an elevator.
- Added the ability to mirror paths and autos from the left side of the field to the right and vise versa.
andnew PathPlannerAuto("Auto Name", true)
- Fixed incorrect trajectory flipping
- Added an annotated version of the 2025 field image, which labels each reef pole
- Various other bug fixes
Hey i’m getting the same RobotConfig.fromGUISettings() throwing an IOException, org.json.simple.parser.ParseException
This image is the error log with the try catch, the other is trying to deploy without the try catch. This is almost directly from your example except some of the names in the auto builder. If you need to see our code, you can check here: ReefScape2025/2025 CompBot at main · FIRST-FRC-Team-2028/ReefScape2025 · GitHub
Thanks in advance
Can you print out the actual exception and its stack trace from the catch block? That’s just printing out the DriverStation.reportError message.
How would I go about doing that?
Edit: I won’t be able to until Monday, when I have access to a robo rio again. Don’t have one at home
You should be able to run it in simulation and it should fail the same way.
We experienced a similar error when trying to configure AutoBuilder. Printing out the stack trace, it was throwing a FileNotFound Exception looking for settings.json.
We checked the deploy directory and confirmed the file was missing. We made a change to settings in PathPlanner GUI and then the file was added to deploy dir and issue resolved.
We had just associated the PathPlanner GUI to this project, so perhaps the settings.json file must be included in the transferred files during that process.
Does override feedback work while pathfinding?