Pathplanner Files Not Found

I have been trying to implement Pathplanner for autonomous routines on our tank drive using the AutoBuilder in Java. After setting up the AutoBuilder, I used


To get a command to follow the path from the path file. When I deployed the code to the rio, I got a FileNotFoundException, so I added a try/catch block and kept catching the error. Any ideas on why the code can’t find the path files? Here is my files in vscode:

And here is the robot code: GitHub - CardinalDynamics/2024Crescendo_RexV2 at Offseason-Branch (yes the offseason branch)


You should have src/main/deploy/pathplanner. You currently have src/main/deploy/deploy/pathplanner

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Thanks. I fixed that issue, but it still cannot find the file.

Has the error message changed (and could you give us the error message)?
.pathplanner/ is supposed to be inside deploy/, which would throw an error, but it’s harder to tell without a stacktrace.

Wait no .pathplanner/ doesn’t go in deploy/, my bad.

It looks like you selected the src/main directory when you opened the project in pathplanner. You should open the root directory of the project. So, the 2024Crescendo_RexV2 folder.

In that image it looks like the right spot at least, but in your repo the files are still in deploy/deploy/pathplanner

Ah, that was it. I opened the wrong folder for the project… was following outdated instructions. Thank you!