PathPlanner is not moving the robot during autonomous

Hey, I am a new programmer for our team and we are trying to get PathPlanner to work for our autos. We were able to set up PathPlanner and get named commands to work. Everything works fine but the paths. We have the paths made and PathPlanner is able to determine how long it takes to traverse the path and account for that in our auto sequence. But it just does not move, and after the path is “complete” it’ll just move on to the next command.

Welcome to FRC programming! It would help us to help you if you could share your code. A Github link works well.

Here is what I would check:

  1. teleop works?
  2. is the autoBuilder configured correctly?
  3. the PID controller values make sense?
  4. run only a simple path and not a full auto

There were loud cheers last evening when the programmers got the robot to move forward a couple of feet with Choreo/PathPlanner! Incremental Programming starting at zero almost always gets you there the quickest - starting at the end almost never works.

Sorry for replying so late I had to wait until practice to push the auton code to github

here is the github link

This repo is private.

I can’t see your code but you might be telling the robot to drive based on controller input in auto (having a default command or just calling a function to drive the robot in robot periodic or something) that stops your path command from actually doing anything. We’ve done that basically every time we’ve set up autos and then spent like 30 mins confused and debugging :skull: .

I updated the visibility

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applyRequest returns a Command which you discard without scheduling. It might be simpler for your driveRobotRelative method to call setControl directly.

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