PathPlanner not importing

We cannot get the PathPlanner lib to import into java. We are using the line of code:

We are receiving this error message:
The import com.pathplanner cannot be resolvedJava(268435846)

We used this URL to install the PathPlanner lib:

Any suggestions?

Edit: misread problem, Can you share your code via github? Have you tried cleaning and rebuilding?

Did you add the Vender Dependencies file?
Main documentation explains how to do this and what the URL should be.

Make sure you’re connected to the internet and your code successfully builds. The first time you build with an online library, you have to be connected to the internet.

here is the link to our code:

thanks for your help.

You dont have pathplanner json in your project’s vendordeps folder. How did you try to install it?

We installed it online using the URL above. It shows up on the Left side of the Visual Studio code under the vendordeps as PathplannerLib.json

Double checked and we were connected to internet and had successful build. Still not recognizing the library for import.

A successful build means it’s just an intellisense issue (in the IDE). Try running the “Refresh Java Language Server Workspace” command in VS Code.

Double check this because it’s not there in the GitHub repo you shared. Maybe you just missed committing it, but it’s not there.

Just checked the code on what is showing on GitHub versus what is showing on Visual Studio and the git hub does not show Photonvision, Pathplanner, or NavX libraries but it does on VIsual Studio.

We are also getting an error in build.gradle for Plugins that says :

Unresolved dependency: org.junit.platform junit-platform-launcherJava(0)

Thanks for help we really need a programming mentor. I am not qualified at all.

Look here for the workaround

EDIT: It’s also in the official Known Issues


When asking for help and sharing your code, you’ll want to ensure everything is properly in sync. Otherwise we’re basing our guidance off of incomplete or inaccurate information, which doesnt help anyone.

Looks like @gdefender covered that unresolved dependency error though, so ill leave it here.


Thanks. We didn’t even know we were “out of sync” till you told us. We have a lot to learn.

Thank you. We will see if that will get if fixed.

Getting rid of the dependency issue fixed the problem. Thanks for pointing us in the right direction