@mjansen4857 Hello, I am using the on-the-fly path the way it is described in the pathplanner docs, but I noticed that the robot is not rotating enough. It always falls short of 90 degrees or 180 degrees when I tested it. Furthermore, on the path I am currently using where we go forward and backwards and return to the same spot with a 180 degrees rotation, the robot moves back much slower compared to when it was moving forward and misses the mark. Can someone help me with this problem? Here is the Github Repo
It looks like you are doing Pathfinding (pathfinder to pose) not on-the-fly. If you tell us you use case we can advise the best way to work around this.
It is noted in the pathplanner docs: “You have no control of the robot’s heading at the start and end points. In other words, you can’t attempt to pathfind to a position to the left of the robot, but have it arrive at that point while moving to the right. The shortest path from A to B will be used.
My apologies, I forgot to push my changes to the code. The new push should have my path on-the-fly code now.
This is not what your current path will do. I highly suggest that you either use the PP UI to make the paths or at least use it to visualize them. You have set the max acceleration at 0.5 which is pretty low.
Have you run other paths successfully using these settings? Is it only on-the-fly that has problems? What about if you run a simple straight forward 3 meters and turn 90 degrees, does that have a problem? Does it do what you want in simulation (It doesn’t look like you are doing simulation)? What makes you think this is a Pathplanner issue and not a trajectory following issue?