PCH (Georgia) Heatmap 2025

I got bored in class and made PCH a heatmap. I just used Microsoft Paint, so it doesn’t look the best. We lost 56 thanks to SC getting their own district. We also got 5 new rookie teams.


Maybe I am missing something but PCH was 98 teams last year with South Carolina being 25 of them. Meaning 73 teams were from Georgia.

This year there are 75 teams with 4 rookies:
10006 Lunar Robotics Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA
10338 CHS Syrupmaker Cairo, Georgia, USA
10376 Plutonium Panthers Augusta, Georgia, USA
10482 Circuit Breakers Athens, Georgia, USA

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TBA says that PCH had 132, but not all of them were active. I didn’t do that much research into it so it is very possible that I am wrong.

TBA team counts and team lists tend to list significantly more teams than actually exist at present in my experience. I’m not sure quite why this is, but for example TBA listed 212 teams in NE in 2024, but there were actually I think 185. I’ve found usually more accurate team counts on Statbotics and of course on frc-events.

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This is a known issue we are working to solve, we thought we had solved it in the past but its back again.


By my count for stat tracking.

Last year Peachtree had 98.

This year it has 75 with SC having 35 teams.
(Going based of the teams list, not the registered and secured list in yesterdays update.)

I believe 97 teams showed up to an event last year, 72 GA and 25 SC. There were a few more that got far enough along the registration process to appear with rookie/sophomore bonus points in the rankings but didn’t attend an event.

I concur that there are 75 PCH teams registered for an event for this season, although that number may be slightly out of date if someone snuck in after the normal registration period.

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That 75 is based on the teams list. FRC Event Web : 2025 Season Event List