PDA Palm OS Scouting

Has anyone made software for scouting for the Palm OS? If so, please post here. pendragonsoftware is nice but pricey… $150 for the first license and $45 for each additional.

I might be wrong, but I think Filemaker Pro can export a Palm program for you to sync up. And best of all you got it free in your kit.

I looked at the manual and it said it could export pdf, html, excel, xml, but nothing about a Palm OS compliant program to edit. Anyone have any palm programs for scouting??

FileMaker Mobile 2.1 ( http://filemaker.com/products/mbl_home.html ) allows porting of data from FileMaker Pro 6 to Palm OS or Pocket PC. It costs $39/seat. We have not used it but may decide to do so.

Team 710 is putting together a extensive Scouting Report for every team at our regional and if we make it to nationals every team in our division at nationals

It will contain Real Game statistics as well as Pit Scouting

Pictures, and Video streaming may also be available. ( TBD )

To get a better Idea of what stats we will be doing you can PM me

*Originally posted by monsieurcoffee *
**Has anyone made software for scouting for the Palm OS? If so, please post here. pendragonsoftware is nice but pricey… $150 for the first license and $45 for each additional. **

(copied from http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=17507)
Team 111 is hard at work on a match based scouting application for the Palm. We are also looking for othere teams to share in the scouting with us at regionals and nationals. If you (or anybody else) is interested or would just want more information, please send me a PM, or email ( [email protected] )
