and the circle characters in the 2oo5 part are lowercase Oh’s, not zero’s
and the circle characters in the 2oo5 part are lowercase Oh’s, not zero’s
dangit you beat me to it
Yup… Gotta love NASA TV… No Delay.
I have to admit when I scribbled it down I started trying to think of HOW on Earth (or Mars) they came up with the code.
Thus far I’ve got:
3X: 3v3 alliances
2005 and play are pretty obvious.
Anyone come up with anything else?
obviousley, you do not know 1337 speak ($p34|<)
it says: 3*triple play 2005
3XTr1pl3play2oo5 = 3X Triple play 2005 (looks like FIRST is getting 1337 )
3X = 3 x the fun in the alliance station
Tr1pl3 play = Name of Game in Leet.
2oo5 = 2005 in Leet
This is where i pretend I’m as big a geek as everyone else, and tell you that I already knew that
w00t N0W It$ +1M3 PHOr sOme H4rDcOrE 3N91N33RiN9, F4bR1C@t1NG, 8UILD1n9. 4ND PhUn!
Sadly I read that like I was reading a sentence in a book…so fluent. I’m sad…lol.
I’m glad FIRST is keeping up with the internet lingo of today… :yikes:
Where do we need the password. There is no place on the first site to use the password. Is the thing on NASA? I’m confused.
The password was for people who downloaded the PDFs prior to the kickoff event (which were encrypted) and needed a password to open the files. After kickoff, FIRST released the decrypted PDFs. I compiled the PDF files into 1 big one so people wouldn’t have to open up every pdf file. You can get that here… http://home.insightbb.com/~mahill/2005_FIRST_Manual.pdf
The password is for the encrypted pdf files. If you try and open a pdf and it asks for a password, use it. They should be available unencrypted by now.
ok becuase I went throught the sight and the only thing that wanted a password was the test file. Nothing else needed one