Penalties for getting pushed into the opposing alliance's zone?

I know that if I was, for example, on the red alliance and I went into the blue alliance’s zone in front of their scoring grid, that I would be penalized. Would I be penalized if my robot was pushed/pulled into that zone?

No, that penalty would be excused according to <G61>

<G61> The actions of an ALLIANCE shall not cause an opposing ALLIANCE to violate a rule and thus incur PENALTIES. Any rule violations committed by the affected ALLIANCE shall be excused, and no PENALTIES will be assigned.

So, for example, if a FEEDER decides to push a GAME PIECE into a DRIVER standing nearby, the DRIVER won’t get a penalty.

<G58> COACHES, DRIVERS, and ANALYSTS may not touch GAME PIECES at any point during the MATCH. Violation: PENALTY

I am now imagining a feeder maniacally laughing as he proceeds to shove a triangle into a driver, as the driver consumes it…

Whole new meaning to the word feeder…


Or pushing Krispie Kremes into Dave, or Pizzas into Billfred, or…

There’s gotta be some kind of reward for that!

A blue card! It cancels out a red card assigned to your alliance, if one of your partners didn’t pass inspection…

LOL wheres my like button! No but I was wondering the same question. And glad we got an answer for it so quickly.

More importantly, after the robot is pushed into the scoring zone and the pusher leaves, can the robot stay in the scoring zone?

<G61> prevents incurring a penalty from being pushed into the opposing alliance’s zone.

However, if the refs see your robot in your opponent’s zone and don’t see that your robot was pushed into your opponent’s zone by an opposing robot, you could end up with a penalty. Thus, it is important to try to stay out of your opponent’s zone even if your robot is being pushed into your opponent’s zone.

I would assume (couldn’t find a rule) that it would be the same as last year-

If you were pushed into an opponents zone, you had to make immediate efforts to get out. You can’t lollygag around.

Also is there a list of how many refs there are going to be? I remember there being two, but then again, my memory is not the best.

Your memory is faulty. There were 4 refs plus the head ref in 2010.

We haven’t heard how many there are in 2011, but given the game, I could see the same numbers.