penalties values???

so in the U.S. we have different penalties for different crimes
why does FIRST? crossing a lane plane and disabling a robot (via out side the bumper zone contact) are different crimes
but they have the same penalties why? well for one thing i makes scoring easier but it still does seem right -colin

well it would seem to fit with the apparent fact that the specific ‘crimes’ are not announced, just the total penalty for each alliance. (like most of the community, I am not a fan of this plan)
On another note, ten points means that violating a rule is not a net gain of points unless the action results in placing the ball on the overpass, in which case it is a mere two point net gain (how many matches have been decided by two points? a few, but not very many)

Every penalty has a 10-point value, true.

However, more serious offenses can be met with more than just a penalty - Yellow Card, Disable, or Disqualify. You really, really, really don’t want that last one to happen in an elimination round match.

as it did to us in the finals of the newton field last year… )=

Actually, they were at VCU. Friday morning the head ref printed out a sheet to record who got what penalty in each match so the information could be easily transferred to the announcer and MC.