Last year in FIRST as a student…
The list isn’t in order…
Dean Kamen
Woodie Flowers
Dave Lavery
Neha Batra (1345)
Mr. Kelso (131 Mentor)
Kristen Kelso (131 alumni)
Jaine Perotti (716)
Kelly (433 alumni)
Nathan Pell (1083 Mentor)
Brandon Martus (i forget who he is :rolleyes: )
Stephen Kowski (1369 Mentor)
Jess Jank (103)
Bharat Nain (25)
Amanda Morrison (71 alumni)
Alicia (433)
Karen (433)
George (1083 Mentor)
Barry Bonzack (1604)
Mike Walker (21)
Katie (234)
Lauren (234)
Kristen (234)
Ryan Dognaux (234)
Ryan Albright (1083 mentor)
Dez (250 alumni)
DJ Fluck (1646 mentor)
Meli (86 alumni)
Peter (710)
Dan Richardson (1083 mentor)
John V Neun (anybody know who this mentor is?)
Andy Baker (45 engineer, I will suggest him to get a haircut)
Dan (179 mentor)
Tytus Gerrish (179)
Alex (21)
Amanda Mackintosh (179)
Mikey (179)
Mike (179)
Umit (179)
Marcus (179)
Tiffany Lee (180)
April Dillard (180)
Mary Badame (180)
Noelle Reed (180)
Brittany Davis (180)
Gary Dillard (180)
Matt downs (180)
Jason (180 alumni)
Jon (180)
Teresa Badame (180 alumni)
Andrew Rudolph (1083 mentor)
Beth Sweet (1504 mentor)
Elgin Clock (237 mentor)
Steph (79)
Michelle (236)
Stina (236)
Billfred (1293 mentor)
Karthik (1114 mentor)
Nadia (1369)
Harry (121)
Lisa (its pretzel, 573)
Lil Lavery (116)
Corey Balint (25)
d-d-d-d-d-dooorraa (7)
Courtney (111)
Courtney (1023)
David Kelly (234 mentor)
Drew (1251)
Dave (1251)
Kevin (1251)
Genia (461)
Scott Shaw(237)
Ted Boucher (237)
Jess Boucher (237 alumni)
Kyle Love (45)
Mike (303)
Greg perkins (134 mentors)
Tom (195)
Henry (222)
Jake (134)
Ashley Weed (84)
Mike Ciance (25)
Tyler wetzel (116 alumni)
Carli Rose (1089)
Sara (1089)
Cory (100 alumni)
Ken Leung
Lisa (173)
Caitlyn (173)
Jeff (173)
Gabe (233)
Leslie (233)
Tessa (233)
Aaron (549)
Mike Meyers (56)
Jay (103)
Marc (38)
Ashley (38)
Stephen (195)
Kyle (365)
Alex (1126)
Kris (1345)
Platt (1345)
Payne (1345)
Rich Kressly (103 mentor)
Andy Brockway (716 mentor)
Al Skierkiewicz (111 mentor)
Raul Olivera (111 mentor)
Wayne Cokely (25 Mentor)
Chris Flutz (234 mentor)
Scott Richie (234 mentor)
Kit Gerhart (233 mentor)
KoKo Ed (191 mentor)
Ashley Christine Cheney (a member of 1559 who is only a sophomore and has already figured out the true meaning of FIRST, as she says “I will be in FIRST as long as possible.”)
Steve W. (How did I forget a very good announcer ::smacks himself:
This is the list right now (on top of my head and I do have people’s name in there who I have met already in person), Please let me know if I left you out of the list, you will be added. Feel free to stop by and say hi. If you need any help at nationals, feel free to ask. Please don’t forget to sign my shirt.
… 13 more days…