Perimeter Extension Rule?

Does the 30’ perimeter limit around the outside of the robot frame apply to every possible position of the protrusion?

EX: If an object could potentially exceed the limit while lowered, but never did, would that violate the rule???

R4. ROBOTS may not extend more than 30 in. (~76 cm) beyond their FRAME PERIMETER (see Figure 10‑1)

Figure 10‑1 FRAME PERIMETER extension

Expect to have to demonstrate a ROBOT’S ability to constrain itself per above during Inspection. Constraints may be implemented with either hardware or software.

See the Game Rules: ROBOTS section for height and extension restrictions for various areas of the FIELD.

^^ Also, historically, the inspectors have made a point to pass on to referees that a robot is physically capable of exceeding the limits, with any notes they can figure out as for how a referee might know this happened. If you can make it physically impossible (short of something breaking) or provide some sort of visual cue which would identify whether you are or are not in compliance, it makes things much easier on the referees. And while I would never advocate bribing a referee, it’s rarely a good idea to make their lives more difficult.