
I think we all need to pause and take some time to reflect on the things that are important to us all.

While I understand that many teams are frustrated because they have invested their money, time, sweat and heart into building a robot. My team is the same. We are all the same. It is disappointing to not have the chance to compete with your robots. No doubt about that.

On the flip side, we must take the precautions necessary to slow the spread of the virus. We must do this for our family, friends, and neighbors. We must all strive to be our best selves at this time. Think about the people you care about. Think about the wonderful experiences you have had and will have in the future. Keep in mind that the loss of this season is not a major event in your lives.

Keep your chin up. Put your best foot forward!


Well said. Agree it is disappointing. FIRST is about STEM, and the ‘S’ in STEM stands for science. And science (as well as Math) tells us we must flatten the curve in order to beat this thing. And unfortunately that means sacrifices, but it’s best for society as a whole.


We all went through the tribulations of building something.
Be proud of the thing you built.
Play with it.
Learn from it.
Show that it’s cool.
Help build things that help alleviate these issues in the future.
Muster the strength to cope with bad odds and circumstance whether by malice or by tragedy.

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