I’m trying to update our tutorial code for 2024. I’ve updated to beta5 of Phoenix 6 which now has all the simulation classes, but I’m getting to a roadblock where the TalonFXSimState object doesn’t seem to actually produce voltage when you call set_supply_voltage(). Meaning, after calling set_supply_voltage applying the inputs to the DifferentialDriveSim passing the left and right voltages, nothing happens due to the left and right voltages constantly sitting at 0.
I was using the ArcadeDrive Phoenix 6 example code, and trying to port it to Python.
From the physics.py file, in the update_sim method, this is how I was proceeding:
def update_sim(self, now: float, tm_diff: float) -> None:
Called when the simulation parameters for the program need to be
:param now: The current time as a float
:param tm_diff: The amount of time that has passed since the last
time that this function was called
# CTRE simulation is low-level, it ignores some of the things like motor
# motor invresion etc. WPILib wants +v to be forward.
# Start the motor simulation work flow by passing robot battery voltage to sim motors
# Apply the motor inputs to the simulation
# advance the simulation model a timing loop
# Update the gyro simulation
# -> FRC gyros are positive clockwise, but the returned pose is positive
# counter-clockwise
pose = self._drivesim.getPose()
# self.navx_yaw.set(-pose.rotation().degrees())
I have confirmed that the drivetrain method is being called, and updating the DutyCycleOutput objects like this:
def drive_manually(self, forward: float, turn: float) -> None:
self._left_duty_cyle.output = forward + turn
self._right_duty_cycle.output = forward - turn
Has anyone else gotten CTRE simulation in Python with Phoenix 6?