Phoenix Tuner X 2025-Beta Log Extractor Issue


I’ve been working on characterizing a Kraken-Swerve drivetrain using Phoenix Tuner X. However, since it is on 2025 firmware, we were on the lookout for possible issues and bugs that might hinder development. We successfully generated swerve code using the generator provided by the 2025 beta version of tuner. However we encountered an error when we were trying to convert the Phoenix6 .hoot log file into a .wpilog file. The Tuner had a “Search signals” field where we scan and select certain specific signals to convert in order to upload onto SysId. When we clicked “Scan for signals”, an error, “Failed to update available signals: Failed to parse tools index. Pleas try converting this log while connected to the internet and verify that no proxy is enabled,” continuously popped up, even though we are connected to the internet. Does anybody know if this is our problem, i.e. we forgot to set up more signal logger stuff in the software, or might this be a bug that needs fixing for 2025 version?


Update! I can select signals but when I click “convert” it shows a new error that doesn’t actually say anything… Just “Failed to convert [filepath]:” and no actual error message shows.


Hey everyone, this issue is ongoing. I was also wondering how often you all actually use Phoenix’s tools to characterize your mechanisms? Thanks

This error can occur if your network is routed through a proxy or otherwise restricted. I would try changing networks and try again.

If this fails, try reinstalling Tuner. I’ll see about investigating on our side to mitigate/eliminate this issue in the future.

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Thanks for the quick response! We are directly connected to our facility’s wi-fi while being tethered to a radio that is connected to the robot’s radio (the VividHosting radio allows for FMS-style connection with the robot). Might this type of connection with the robot contribute to the error?

We have reinstalled the Tuner Preview app (2025 beta), but it did not work.