We are currently working on our Swerve code, adding additional features and improving it. Some of the features require Phonix Pro. We bought Phonix Pro 2024, but we are updated to the new 2025 WPI and device firmware. It will take some time until we get access to buy the new 2025 season pass (we will buy it, but it would take some time). Is there any way to get a trail version of the 2025 Pro just so we can test out our code?
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do your new features require 2025 wpi and firmware? could always go back to 2024 firmware just to test your new features that require pro, and hold off on 2025 until kickoff. i would hope the 2024 pro licenses would still be valid
Licenses are permanent for the release of Phoenix for that year, so you could downgrade to 2024 and go that approach.
Will changing to a demo team number will work for the 2025 version?
I apologize but the demo team number only works if you already have a season pass applicable for that year applied on your devices, but you can’t use your primary team number for some reason.