I am a programmer on team 2977. We are using photon vision to target apriltags for shooting into the speaker. Photon vision gets the best apriltag and I don’t know how to change that. I want to target the apriltag directly under the speaker, not the one off to the side. But photon vision gets whatever it sees better.
You could also try instead of targeting off of one tag, using a pose estimator to estimate the robot pose and calculate from there. This introduces more complexity but it also might lead to more accurate positioning data drawing from multiple targets.
When I use the code written below, it works to target the apriltag with a bigger fiducial ID. But when there is only one apriltag, The code crashes. is there a way around that?
var cameraToTarget = targets.get(1).getBestCameraToTarget();
Lists are zero based, so to get the first element in the list you should use index 0. However, I don’t think there’s any guarantee on the order of results, so I recommend checking all targets, and existing after you find one with the tag ID you’re looking for.
If you’ll look at PhotonLib’s Java API reference for getTargets() you’ll see it returns a regular Java List, which you can find a description of all methods here:
Could someone be more specific how I can focus on one target and ignore the others? One speaker has a center AprilTag of 4 and the other is AprilTag 8. I just want to focus on those tags.
Pseudo code here as I am just typing on the fly… But if you have questions let me know.
//Assume camera is your photonVision camera/pipeline, etc..
if (camera.hasTargets())
List<PhotonTrackedTarget>targets = camer.getTargets();
for (PhotonTrackedTarget target in targets)
int targetId = target.getFiducialId();
if (targetId == myTargetICareAbout)
//Do something with this target.. Get the Pose2d, etc.
} // end for
} // end hasTargets
Correct, you can also add a break at the end of the if, if you have found the target you care about.
The pseudo code for the for loop is a for each… In Java it looks like the below.
//Loop through all targets, one at a time.
for (PhotonTrackedTarget target : targets)
if (..) {
break; // Break out of the rest of the for loop since we found the only item we care about
var result = photoncamera.getLatestResult();
if (result.hasTargets()) {
//LIST of targets photon vision has
targets = result.getTargets();
//checks to see if there is a list of apriltags to check. if no targets are visable, end command
if (targets.isEmpty()) {
SmartDashboard.putBoolean("done", true);
var foundTargets = targets.stream().filter(t -> t.getFiducialId() == 4)
.filter(t -> !t.equals(4) && t.getPoseAmbiguity() <= .2 && t.getPoseAmbiguity() != -1)
if (foundTargets.isPresent()) {
var cameraToTarget = foundTargets.get().getBestCameraToTarget();
Edit: for clarification, if you replace the 4 with a different apriltag fiducial id you can get a different apriltag.