Please try our new camera calibration program and comment either through GitHub issues, CD posts, or Discord PhotonVision posts. You don’t have to be a PhotonVision user to contribute to PhotonVision. The self-contained beta testing Java jar
files work on Windows and Linux.
We have converted a Python (or essentially similar web-based camera calibration program - calibDB) to Java for potential inclusion in PhotonVision
The benefit of this camera calibration program is it dynamically tells the user how to pose the camera/ChArUcoBoard to most efficiently and accurately determine the camera’s intrinsic parameters.
It also can automatically capture a pose if it matches the guidance board pose that was presented to the user to copy and it then moves to the next pose. That automation isn’t perfect (often the user has to tell the program it’s close enough) and anyone who knows a little about cameras might be able to contribute improvements.
The source code and self-contained Java jar
releases are here GitHub - tom131313/calibrate.
I’d appreciate people test the program and comment. There is also the potential to improve the program by someone who understands the camera calculations.