Photonvision is asking for a LOGIN and PASSWORD

Hello! We have the Raspberry Pi 3 b+ and when we flash de SD card with photonvision and connect it to a monitor it asks us for a User LOGIN and a PASSWORD we’ve already tried the “default” login and password but nothing works

You don’t need to access that typically as everything can be done through the webpage that it hosts.

I don’t see it documented at all, but have you tried:

User: pi
Password: raspberry

It’s documented. See link in the post by @SLAB-Mr.Thomas

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here it is

yes, i’ve tried it but when i go to write de password nothing shows, as if i wasn’t even using the keyboard (but it works for writing the login)

That’s normal. That’s how all pi logins work. It is registering the buttons but won’t show anything for security


It’s writing you just can’t see it bc you’re an organic interface.


Press Enter key after typing the password and the command line prompt will show.


Thank you so much!! It worked!