Photonvision static ip address

Hello, I was just wondering if it was possible to set the Photon Vision Static IP address to something other than 10.TE.AM.11 (like 10.TE.AM.12) or if it will mess the code up.

When we set the static ip to 10.TE.AM.11, our windows computer refused to ssh into our orange pi for some reason

Is your windows computer on the same 10.TE.AM.XX network?

I think so? We’re connected to the robot through wifi and we are able to access 10.TE.AM.2 Network Configurations.

Have you tried rebooting the pi?

your radio (=router) has set up the network and its devices to use the subnet of 10.TE.AM.0/24, so if you put a device outside of this subnet on the radio’s network it will not be able to communicate with any other device.

what you can do is set the IP to something like 10.TE.AM.69 or some other number for the last octet, that may solve the issue. in theory, it doesnt have to be 11

yes we have tried that, but it doesn’t seem to change anything

Ok, so are you saying that as long as it’s 10.TE.AM.XX, it should theoretically work?

We have also been unable to change the static IP addresses of our orange pi’s. No matter what we set it to in photonvision they are found at and Had to use AngryIPScanner to find them. We haven’t gotten around to figuring out how to change the addresses manually, but it’s on our to do list.

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on the robot network, yes

Ok, thank you! We will test it to make sure!

Have you figured out a solution for changing the address manually? We are running into an issue where both of our coprocessors are set to the same IP address and we cannot change them through photonvision.

why cant you change them through photon vision?

We’ve also found mDNS to be pretty reliable, for example connecting using hostname.local.
We’ve set the hostname of our coprocessor to be “purplebox” in PhotonVision, so we can connect to it via purplebox.local:5800.

Weirdly enough, photon vision wouldn’t let us use 10.TE.AM.12 and instead automatically changed it to

Are you sure the IP address is set to be static and is not received with DHCP?

Yeah, I made sure it was static

We aren’t sure of the exact reason, but our current working theory is at the beginning of the season we updated our limelights (Limelight 3) with the dev version of PhotonVision and when we realized that we needed to change the version, we decided to just offline update so we don’t lose the settings. But the only compatible version was the “photonvision-v2024.2.4-linuxarm64.jar” because the Limelight 3 image was not a jar file. So we believe bc the version is not a Limelight 3/Raspberry Pi specific image, it can’t change the static IPs.

They have a limelight3 version now, and it we can set the static ips on our limelight3 after a reinstall. However, on our orange pi5’s setting the static ips in the dashboard interface does nothing as well. Maybe this might be a larger photonvision issue?

I’m not sure why but after updating to the latest photonvision version we can set a static IP address that persists over power cycles , and we can reach the orange pi at that address