Photos - FIRST World Championship 2014

My Michigan-themed photos from FIRST World Championship 2014 are posted at:

And for those interested, photos from the GM Awards Ceremony:

I tried to get at least a photo or two of all Michigan teams. My apologies if I missed your team. It’s not easy trying to cover every team’s schedule over four divisions. If they increase it to six or eight divisions next year, all bets are off, or I’ll need someone to loan me a Segway.

It’s been another fantastic year. Once again I’m impressed by and proud of our Michigan teams. It’s been a privilege to take photos of you at our events. I’m also proud to be a Michigan volunteer. You are a most dedicated, passionate, skilled, and friendly crew, and you run great events. It’s been fun, rewarding, and an honor to work with all of you this season.

The usual fine print:
I am one of many dedicated volunteers for FIRST in Michigan. I am not a professional photographer. I do not make any money from my photographs. However, my images are copyrighted by me(and registered with the US Copyright Office). All private individuals and non-profit teams and organizations associated with FIRST® and FIRST in Michigan are granted a free, non-exclusive license to download, print, and/or display my photos for non-commercial use, and may use them for such purposes as pit or shop posters and displays, and team or school yearbooks and newsletters. I retain all rights to my photos no matter where they are, and in whatever form they may take. My photos may not be used for any commercial purpose without first contacting me and obtaining a license from me. My photos may be used for editorial purposes with proper attribution. Thanks, Daniel Jonathan Ernst, 2014.

As always, awesome pictures! I always love looking through your pictures. This year I was unfortunately unable to attend the championship, but looking through these makes me feel a little closer to the action. Thank you!