Photos - MSC 2012

I have posted my photos from Michigan State Championship 2012 at:


Copyright notice:
All of my images are copyrighted by me (and registered with the US Copyright Office), all rights reserved. All private individuals and non-profit teams and organizations associated with FIRST or FIRST in Michigan are granted a free, non-exclusive license to download, use, and display my photos for non-commercial use. I retain all rights to my photos no matter where they are, and in whatever form they may take. My photos may not be used for any commercial purpose without first contacting me and obtaining a license from me. My photos may be used for editorial purposes, with proper attribution (this means you can send some to your local newspaper), however, I would appreciate notification of such use. Thanks, Daniel Jonathan Ernst.

Thank you, Dan!

This is some good Volunteer Coordinating, if I do say so myself. Gotta keep those shady FTAs in line. :wink:

Thanks again this year for your efforts in photography.

Thanks Dan!!!


Thanks for documenting how Carolyn treats volunteers.

FTA’s, Inspectors… sheesh.


Great pictures Dan thanks!

I hope you don’t mind that I made the tip of the ball pyramid face-with-a-hat-on-it my profile picture on Facebook. That’s easily the best thing I’ve seen done with game pieces (not to mention a great picture); much better than the stack sculptures from last year. Hopefully on Einstein, there will be four fields worth of balls to play with. I’m expecting something pretty epic between matches.

Inspectors?! I remember no choking of inspectors!
They wear funny hats though and need to be corralled by cameras.
(Actually, who put that sign up there? That was hysterical)

You know who I treat really well? My refs! I bring them coffee when they need a pick-me-up.

My field supervisor gets treated well too. ~

Tons of us use Dan’s pictures as our profile pics. We usually just credit him in the description and link to the Flickr album. :slight_smile: In my opinion, his pictures are one of the best ways of spreading the Spirit of FIRST.

I concur. People see the photos I share from Dan and are always terribly impressed. It gives me an opportunity to talk about robots a little bit more, and that’s ALWAYS a good thing!

Thanks, Dan, for doing what you do and making us all look good in the process!