Photovision Issue (unable to access NetworkTable values)

Hello Everyone,

We have been attempting to use Photonvision alongside with a coprocessor + camera(s) for vision behavior this season. We have a Raspberry Pi (not sure of version possibly 2 or 3), which has Photonvision flashed onto its MicroSD card. Picture of this here: PhotovisionSetup.JPG - Google Drive

The USB labeled “1” is the camera , the ethernet cable labeled “2” goes to the AUX port of our VH-109 radio, and the MicroSD labeled “3” goes to the RoboRIO for power. With default settings, when we first navigated to photonvision.local:5800, we were able to see camera feed and add multiple cameras. We were also able to calibrate the cameras and detect April tags (and showed us the ID’s). As a next step, we moved on to accessing the information via software. The problem is that we were unable to access any of the camera information on the NetworkTables and had no feed.

To try to debug this issue, we tried a couple of things:

  1. We tried splitting the MicroUSB into pins and connected it to the 5V, 500mA port on the VRM. This made the issue worse as we were not even able to get camera feed on the website. Later we tried the 5V, 2A port and experienced the same result.

  2. We tried changing the static IP to 10.TE.AM.11, this allowed us to still reach the website on this address, but we were still unable to access the Network Table values, specifically April Tag ID.

  3. We tried using the old radio and plugging ethernet into the second slot, but this yielded the same issue as using a VH-109.

What could we do to help resolve this issue? Our goal right now is to just detect AprilTags and access the ID’s on the NetworkTables in the code.

What does this mean? Just soldering to the micro usb port?

to provide meaningful help knowing what pi you have would be great (:

Can you try plugging it directly into a laptop Ethernet port?

This is not a supported network configuration and will probably not work. If you see the UI, you are doing the networking correctly.

It is very important that you use a power supply with sufficient current. The 5V2A port on the VRM should be fine for a Raspberry Pi3 (which is what you have). Just be sure that you aren’t running other things from that same VRM since the current is shared across all the 5V2A ports.

What will help for debugging is the logs, which you can download from the settings page.

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You can see the model in your photogragh that you posted Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.

Let me see if I have this correct. You had a RPi, a PC of some sort, and a radio connected and the PC could correctly see the RPi and PV in a browser window.

You added a connection to the radio of your roboRIO with code to read the NT output of PV. The PV stopped showing the camera stream in the browser window.

I assume you didn’t have an NT server running until you added the roboRIO to the connections.

Is this a correct summary of your complete testing system?

Hello Everyone,
Thank you for your help! We are now able to access to the NetworkTables via software. For anyone interested, our setup to achieve this currently is:

A Raspberry PI 3 connected to the new VH-109 radio via ethernet (AUX port), powered by the 5V 2A slot on the VRM through a MicroUSB, and connected to two different cameras. We believe our issue was not setting up the Static IP correctly, right now it is set to 10.TE.AM.11.

Software wise, we faced an issue in which we kept losing robot code everytime we lost sight of any AprilTags. To fix this issue, in our code, we first checked if the camera is detecting an AprilTag using the hasTargets() method before getting the tag info.

If anyone has any questions about this setup, feel free to reach out!