Physical Orientation of ADIS16448

Does the physical orientation of the Roborio make any difference to the ADIS16448? Can I place the Roborio either horizontally or vertically? Thanks in advance for your help. As best I can tell it doesn’t matter, but I would like to make sure.

We mounted the RoboRIO vertical this year and last. We didn’t have problems last year, but at least in the Labview code had to select the right axis.

We are using Java, so I don’t know if this applies.

Either you can access the angle directly (see README)

Or you can calculate the Yaw. For that you’d need to switch the axis. Normally you rotate about the z axis but for our vertical config last year we were sampling the x axis. For Java, it looks like you use

adjustYawAxis(Axis yaw_axis)

with kX, kY, or kZ to set the axis of rotation.

Thanks! We appreciate the help!