Pi-oneers in Parade - Unique GoPro Footage

After a season full of using GoPros on our robot, on our driver station, and to film a ‘mockumentary’ of our team’s trip to St. Louis, a few Pi-oneers decided to use one to record Team 1676 marching in the Hillsdale N.J. (one of our school district’s four sending towns) Memorial Day Parade.

For parades, we attached a PVC structure we call the “Pirates’ Mast” to our robot cart, which either team banners or American flags hang from. We zip-tied a GoPro to the top of the PVC as seen below, and got some pretty unique and awesome footage!

*Due to the danger flying frisbees pose, we made sure that our robot only shot down the street where Pi-oneers were ready for catching. :yikes:

You can watch the video for yourself here: http://www.youtube.com/v/yDlyu-aPnpU?version=3&start=714&end=2084! (it’s linked so it skips our team waiting around to join in on the parade, and stops at the end of the parade)

I saw that attempted murder at around 28:30…:wink:

Neat, I felt like I was there!

How did you swap the battery so fast?


We have a Y-shaped anderson connector that we used. It looks like the one on the left side of the picture below, but is longer:

We had one end hooked up to the robot, the other to the battery in the robot, and when we swap batteries, we hook up the free end to the new battery before disconnecting the old one, so the robot never turned off.

Nice solution!