As noted in a previous thread, one of the corners of one detail is missing on one of these beauties … so … almost twins …
That is definitely twins because this is your chassis. You already posted a few pictures on this lol. But I like how you’ve decided to build 2 robots so you can practice with one and ship the other… I wish we had money this year… But I do like the frame, we have always tried to use the least amount of welded parts as possible because if they break… then they are alot harder to fix…
love the pic confused on what it is
As noted it Teaser 4, this is our chasis. We made two so that once ship date has arrived, we still have something similar to our actual robot to drive, practice, and program with.
I wish 116 had one chassy that looked that cool, let alone two…
Once again you guys apear to be delivering a beuatiful robot this year…except this year your delivering 2!
Cant wait to see it in action, hopefully if all goes as planned we can get some healthy competition going before boilermaker
lol i thought they were mirrors
lol i thought they were mirrors