pic: 1029 presents Gator Chomp

Here’s an ok picture of our 2007 bot. More importantly here’s a link to see it in action. We have pretty much decided to call it Gator Chomp for obvious reasons.




That’s exactly how I wanted to build this year’s robot, right from day one. And all I got from people on my team was blank stares when I said telescoping arm. (Admittedly I couldn’t find any pictures of a 2005 bot with this general design [team 68 maybe?]. And they were set on the ramp that we never made.

It’s ridiculously easy to operate, isn’t it?


Looks great, how high can your arm reach?

Did you take a look at any pictures of that PINK Team (233)? Pictures from 2004 and 2005 are applicable.

Here you go. 1625 did it in 2005:

it reaches well over 96 inches and yes its pretty smooth but the tilt has so much torque and speed that we had to damp it by 4

And just in case you want to see the video copy and paste this link

http://www.wolvcatrobotics.com/resources/Gator Chomp high.wmv

I edited that first post twice, since the first time i lost my changes. But I left out the word “certain” (a certain team) the second time.

The team was at the Western Michigan regional and quite possibly won it. That’s all I remember :slight_smile: And it was a 60s team.

I designed it hoping to achieve something similar to pink’s '04 and '05 bot. I think I got it pretty close. all we need now is some practice driving it and there wont be much in the way of stopping us.

some quick specs:

4x6 wheel drive
4 CIMs
2 speed (5 fps / 11 fps) mechanical shift

arm (telescoping):
full extension of ~90 inches in about 1.5 seconds

tube manipulator:
fully mechanical, spring closed

We’ll Be Unstoppable

yea lets see how it goes we hope to improve from last year.

“Imitation is the sincerest of flattery.” -Charles Caleb Colton

I think you did too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Indeed, my first year in FIRST I saw the one which hung itself ('04), displaying tremendous about of power and confidence in the telescoping arm; that 'bot is probably the single most factor why I got sucked into FIRST. Then the following year with 2k5, wow that was amazing, the most amazing piece of art and robot I have ever seen. It’s the pink team, probably unknowingly, that caused me to dream big, hopefully I’ll get to live it this year.

One more week!