Your Programmers definitly have something to be very proud of. At the Florida Regional we had 3 maybe 4 bots at the most that could score in autonomous, scoring on the top rack is very impressive.
Very nice job. We have been able to score on the lower and middle rows, and at different starting positions but we have not put a keeper on the top row yet.
Are you using the camera? If so, does the keeper obstruct its view when it is tracking?
Your robot was perfect.
I’ll leave it to one of our programmers to reply to specifics on the auton program, but we do use the camera to aquire the target (we never know which one it will like best) along with some dead reckoning logic and arm control including gear tooth sensors. We target the top row, as it moves the least. We were very successful in practice rounds (6 of 8), not so much in the “real matches”. We think the floor condition may have affected our performance, but we were very close when we missed, ie tubes barely bouncing off the rack. We’ll see what happens in Buckeye…
Thanks to all for the nice comments!
ALong with what Dan said, our arm grabs the tube moves up to clear the camera view in order for it to track the light.
For those interested, I posted a pic of our starting position and basic auton sequence at:
Great job!!! MOE missed competing with you guys so far this year. Maybe we will get a chance at the Championship.
Best of luck at Buckeye!
Wow… that looks very, very similar to our robot…
Can you post a pic of yours? We are best on the top, though we can hang anywhere easily, I would love to see your robot and discuss your strategy!
We seem to be most effective on the middle goal, although all three work pretty well.
As an addition, I’m pretty sure our AMAZING auton coder has two-light code as well.
Wow, very similar desgn - Yours is a little more robust in the arms, we were going for a lower center of gravity, which has worked well. How many gripper details on the arms did you guys try and what did you end up with? We went through a bunch of details on the arms before we went back to basics… Good looking robot!
That is very impressive. Congrats
This robot owns. Watch out, Einstein.
We tried having a servo/globe powered tube rotation at the end… Proved rather useless and complicated… We just went back to tubing with foam covered by nonstick. The arm appears rather heavy, but it is almost all 1/16 wall and the entire weight is under 15 lbs for the arm.
I hope we end up in the same division at nationals… that would be rather interesting.
How have you guys done in regionals? How many can you put up in a match? We had a good chance for 8 around the top in the eliminations in Pitt, but we missed the auton and dropped one with very little time on the clock - so we only got 6. Teams 222 and 48 played awesome defense, we didn’t get touched that whole match. If we get the right alliance together to play defense for us again, I have little doubt we can complete a ring…
You guys were great at Pittsburgh!! Hope to team up with you again at Buckeye!! Good luck!!
The ThunderHawks have been one of the powerhouses storming up Pittsburgh for the past two years. Whether it be on the field, with their technical and strategical prowess, style (anyone notice that their bumpers changed color depending on what alliance they were on, and the slick airbrushed paint job by Amanda), or their relentless spirit throughout competition. They cheered for everyone and I mean EVERYONE. 1038 is a well rounded team that truly gets it. They are one of the most humble and gracious competitors that you will ever meet. No matter what they will always play their hardest and do what’s RIGHT for their alliance as well as their opponents. The ThunderHawks made it a personal goal to help other teams in need especially the rookies. They spent countless amount of time guiding our rookie #1 (way to go 2279) seed through eliminations, sharing their scouting information, consulting on strategy and picks for alliance selections. To Dave, Jimmy, Dan, the rest of the mentors and students thanks for showing us what’s so great about FIRST. The ThunderHawks are a team that I will always judge mine against and try to emulate. Go get 'em at Buckeye and see you down at the CMP.
Wow… what a pleasure to get a comment like that! I must say that you helped out getting us into the action in Pittsburgh, you called us out a few times and our kids responded. You also gotta give kudos to the other teams in the stands making noise - 48 Delphi Elite, 63 Red Barons, 291 CIA, and your own 348 Train to name a few. We had a blast at the competition (except when we snapped our arm in the semis, maybe) I really appreciate your kind comments about our team and look forward to seeing you and the train in Atlanta!