pic: 1058 2007 last pic before ship


This is our robot not long before we shipped it. Its just about done, minus the ramp and some panels that go on the side and top to protect it. See you all at the Granite State Regional!

Looks like you guys are actually living up to your name this year :cool:

We felt that it was time to do a little soul searching return to our roots… :slight_smile:

Those andymark mecanums look nice. But i think you are breaking the rule about starting to build you robot too early…about 4 years too early:D

That grabber looks SWEET!!! Awesome design on that!!! Good luck at your regional!!!

Ya I caught the date too. It says 1/11/2003.

that looks aweosme. I’m lovein’ the speed holes :slight_smile:
good luck!